Tweet from @reactnative

@reactnative: We've been working on a new architecture for React Native. Learn all about it in @nparashuram's talk at React Conf:

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React Native September 2018 (v0.57.0) released

v0.57.0 on GitHub (npm) Changelog Welcome to the 0.57 release of React Native! This release addresses a number of issues and has some exciting improvements. We again skipped a monthly release, focused on quality by extending the release candidate phase,

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Tweet from @ReactJS

@reactjs: We're working on a large-scale rearchitecture of React Native to make it more flexible and integrate better with native infrastructure in hybrid JavaScript/native apps.

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React Native June 2018 (v0.56.0) released

v0.56.0 on GitHub (npm) Changelog As you'll see in a second, this new version has some important breaking changes that required a lot of extra efforts to bring to a stable 0.56. This was the main reason behind skipping June from the monthly release cycle

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React Native DOM

Don't get this wrong, react-native-web is alive and well. It is also the safest bet right now for achieving React Native on the Web. At React Europe last week though, we were lucky to hear from Vincent Riemer talking about his experimental, comprehensive port

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