Build a YouTube playlist browser with React Native and Siphon

The cool guys behind Siphon not only are building one of most complete solutions for building React Native apps but also sharing their passion and love for this wonderful framework in the meanwhile.

Here is their new tutorial to build a YouTube playlist browser.

siphon-youtube-video-browser on GitHub

Build a YouTube playlist browser with React Native and Siphon blogpost

We're going to use Siphon to quickly build a React Native app from scratch. The finished app will display a live YouTube playlist and let you play a video by tapping it.

You will learn all about:

  • Fetching a remote data source
  • Parsing XML using the xmldom library
  • How to use React Native's Navigator component
  • Integrating the reactyoutube library

Please follow the quickstart tutorial first if you haven't already set up your machine to use Siphon.

The finished app will look something like this:

YouTube playlist browser